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Rauan Narynbay

Rauan Narynbay

  • Пол: мужской
  • ВКонтакте: 196993816
  • Книги: The Man in the Arena. Vanguard Founder John C. Bogle and His Lifelong Battle to Serve Investors First (Knut Rostad A.); Introduction to Private Equity. Venture, Growth, LBO and Turn-Around Capital (Cyril Demaria)
  • Аудиокниги: Немезида (Агата Кристи); Похождения соломенной вдовы (Галина Куликова)

Фотографии 3

№1, Rauan Narynbay №2, Rauan Narynbay №3, Rauan Narynbay